Dear 2015 Gracie...


I've been sitting on the couch for 2 hours now and only just realized 2014 would be gone in a short amount of seconds.


You could feel it in the air.  Excitement. Confetti, champagne, the antsy giddiness, the preparation to yell and screech and celebrate.


Nervousness.  Anxiousness.  The "drop in the stomach" feeling.  No more time to change things.  It's almost gone.


Deep breaths.  Short breaths.  This is a big one, Gracie.  I can only trust my gut feeling in this.  2015 will be big.


I'm scared.


2014 really was a killer year.  In the last 365 days I managed to graduate, take a spontaneous trip to Paris, backpack across Maryland, make new friends, let go of some too, make this blog, throw myself in a new environment, take a stab at discovering my identity.




1.  Stop dwelling on the past.  Stop looking back and comparing yourself to others.  Stop stalking people on Facebook.  Instead of secretly getting to know people, learn to actually get to know them.
2.  Stop overthinking everything.  Clear your mind and let the fishies swim free in the lovely pool of pure clarity.
3.  Be straight up.  Don't be afraid to be absolutely blunt and honest.  Let the truth be the truth.
4.  Take risks.  Say yes to more things, even if you totally regret it later.  Stay up later.  Let the creative mind flourish. Do things that scare you till you pee yourself. (It's worth it I promise)
5.  Work on yourself: physically, mentally, socially, intellectually, spiritually.  Listen to Mikayla and go to the gym.  It's not too far ad you are very much able.  Take care of your skin.  Enhance your face and don't be afraid to overdress.  Wear more confidence and maybe some eyeliner.  Start reading more books and articles - expand your library of knowledge.  Start networking.  Run the race of faith.

And through all this, don't be afraid to make mistakes.  Don't be afraid to get silly and stupid.  Just be you.

Actual, tangible goals that will increase in number as the year goes on:

1.  Extreme ironing. At least attempt it.
2.  Establish an official collection of pictures featuring "The Brorrito"
3.  Start a photo album of photoshopped cats in art history pieces.
4.  Learn the bass to at least the elementary level.
5.  Climb another mountain. Do it I dare you.
6.  Find out if you're actually lactose intolerant.
7.  Compose 3 pieces that you're actually proud of.
8.  Kill 2nd semester.
9.  Bring someone to Christ.
10. Apply for at least 5 scholarships.
11. Get a job.

Wishing you luck and a blessed year, Gracie.  May the odds be ever in your favor.

For the praise of His glory,
XOXO Gracie


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